Mark 6 Thursday Who God is and what God does
As we look at Mark 6, we can see both things God affirms and ways God reveals Himself passively. In the first section, He has wisdom and authority above and beyond human ability. He also passively shows us that He will not force Himself upon us. He did not do miracles amongst the group that dishonored Him.
In the section, He actively involved His followers in His work. In allowing John the Baptist to be beheaded, God passively revealed that He does not promise earthly health, wealth and prosperity. God has an eternal focus.
He demonstrated a Sabbath mentality in having the disciples rest. He had compassion on the large crowd. Jesus prioritized His relationship with the Father. He repeatedly healed.
There are many other occasions in the passage that illuminate Who God is and what He does either through His affirmation and action or through His allowing things (usually negative) to happen.
Bible reading can't be a speed ordeal if we want to see the multifaceted nature of God. Let's continue to take time, slow down, and read the Bible together.