There are many strategies for daily Bible reading. During this year, we are proposing we read deeply. Rather than reading through the whole Bible as a church, we are only going to read through five books plus a few extra verses.
Each week, we will read one chapter. We will read the same chapter every day that week and focus on a little bit different aspect of the text. The week will look like this:
Sunday – read the chapter twice
Monday – read the chapter once and look at key words
Tuesday - read the chapter once and look at the structure
Wednesday - read the chapter once and look at cross references
Thursday - read the chapter once and look at how the chapter reveals Who God is and what God does
Friday – read the chapter once and look at what the people got right and what they got wrong
Saturday – read the chapter once and ask, “what do these verses demand of me?”
If you have never attempted a reading plan like this, it can seem daunting. Don’t worry, we will be doing it together. I’m even going to share the most daunting day’s work. I’m also going to share a video every day the first week walking you through how to approach each day.
Just remember, God will bless your seeking Him. If you want a deeper walk with God, dig deeper in His Word.