March 9, 2025

Matthew 20:29-21:11


            The current pericope sets the stage for the Passion Week of Christ. Although the seven plus chapters take place within one week, the material covers roughly one fourth of the book of Matthew. The action takes place in the vicinity of Jerusalem. While Jesus is seen entering Jerusalem in the passage, He will return to the surrounding areas repeatedly.

            A thematic tie within the verses is the idea of seeing. First Jesus opened the eyes of the blind. He then enters Jerusalem as people claim to see who He is. Later the crowds would turn on Jesus and be known to have not truly seen Him, but for the moment, they identify Him not only as a prophet from Nazareth, but as the Son of David, the One Who comes in the name of the Lord.



20:29-34 immediately they regained their sight and followed Him. (v 34)

21:1-5 this took place so that what was spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled (v 4)

21:6-11 the crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, “…” (v 9)


Key Ideas: identity of Christ, praise


Some things to think about:

  • What has Jesus done to help you see Himself?
  • How do you respond to what Jesus has revealed to you?